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Wine Nerds

•       For just $550 a year! You’ll receive a beautifully presented, curated 6pack, twice a year.

•       From new releases and Michael’s favourites to rare museum releases, it’s an exclusive selection every time.

•       Wine Nerds receive a 12.5% discount on all wines, all the time.

•       Freight is free of charge for all our wine nerds cases.

•       Wine Nerds Pick-up Party! Each November we’ll invite you to drinks, Barossa canapes and the opportunity to pick up… your biannual 6pack. If you can’t make it we’ll despatch of course.

•       If a mix isn’t your thing opt for Red Only or White Only in the special instructions box.

This annual commitment is currently capped at $550 and is split between the two cases.

Delivery / Pickup Information

Signature is required for delivery


Payment Method

Secure Payment
The security of your sensitive information is important to us. When you enter sensitive information, we encrypt that information using secure socket layer technology.

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • AmericanExpress

Billing Address


Login Details

Create a password so that you can login to view club details. You will also be able to save your information for the checkout process in the future.

You can review this subscription before it's final.

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